Who We Are
Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Saint Carmen Sallés
- We are a community of sisters who belong to the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception founded by St. Carmen Sallés dedicated to catholic education and evangelization in the Church.
- We are a community of religious women who together with lay people-men and women are dedicated to education following the charism given to us by St. Carmen Sallés. We strive to share it with the church and society trying to impart a Christian education that is integral, preventive and with a social vision
- We are educators with a proper identity that have Jesus the Teacher as the model of an educator; the mystery of Mary Immaculate as the main focus and they try to follow the guide lines in education set by St. Carmen Sallés.
- We are religious and lay people who give to the mission by living a Christian spirituality in the following aspects:
- Trinitarian
- Ecclesial
- Marian
- Apostolic
- Missionary
- Anthropological
- Eschatological.
A house that is part of the "General Houses"